We have different kinds of products. We try to deliver them to you as soon as possible so that the fruits remain crispy and juicy. We also make products from the fruits like apple and cherry jams, chutney etc. which are all natural and preservative free which make them healthy for our customers.
The Freshest and purest
The apples and cherries we have are fresh and we deliver them to our customers as soon as possible so that they stay crispy and juicy.
Our Farm produced apples and cherries are rich in various nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, K, A and various other antioxidants.
No added sugars and preservatives
Fresh & Healthy
100% Natural
We have been producing apples in our farms for more than 80 years. We started by Red Delicious and Golden varieties and as time passed by we have diversified to various other varieties.
We started making our products from our fruits 2 years ago. We started from Apple Boi (Chips) and then later we added more products like jams and chutneys.